TALLINN, 17 June 2015 - Auditor General Alar Karis today ordered the audit departments of the National Audit Office to start preparing an audit to analyse the capacity of the state of Estonia in various areas related to accepting refugees and people granted additional international protection or temporary protection (education, social protection, integration, employment, healthcare, etc.). The audit would also address the problems of asylum seekers. The purpose of the audit is give the parliament, the government and the general public the information that would help to organise the integration of refugees and other persons granted international protection in the Estonian society and economic structure as efficiently as possible.
Toomas Mattson
Head of Communication Service, National Audit Office
+372 640 0777
+372 513 4900
6/17/2015 9:30 AM
Last Update:
9/11/2015 12:01 PM
Last Review:
9/11/2015 12:01 PM