Greeting of Auditor General of Estonia Janar Holm, Chairman of EUROSAI WGEA to the 8th Annual Meeting of AFROSAI WGEA in Kigali, Rwanda (26-28 September 2018)

Janar Holm | 9/19/2018 | 2:55 PM

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Dear members of the AFROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing!

I am bringing you greetings from the members of the EUROSAI WGEA. As sister organisations, we are acting at the same time: at the very same week of your meeting in Kigali, our working group gathers in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The programmes of both of our events have also been prepared in the same spirit.

For example - we will discuss recent audit experiences and keep our finger on the pulse of the projects of the Working Group. In Bratislava, we will focus on two topics this year – climate change and increasing the impact of environmental audits. 

I’m glad to report on three recent cooperative projects organized under the EUROSAI WGEA’s umbrella:

  • an audit concerning energy efficiency of public sector buildings – a just-finalized project of 8 Supreme Audit Institutions;
  • an audit of air quality conducted by 14 Audit Institutions;
  • and an audit on the marine protected areas in the Mediterranean region – whereby 6 Audit Institutions have joined forces.

We are also currently finalising the preparation of the Massive Open Online Course on auditing water related issues (

The course is now in its final testing phase and will open in November 2018. The Course relies largely on the legislation and water management practices of the European Union. But I think it might be useful for auditors of AFROSAI too.

Registrations for the course are already open for everyone through our project partner, the University of Tartu.

I wish you a successful meeting and fruitful discussions!

  • Posted: 9/19/2018 2:55 PM
  • Last Update: 9/19/2018 2:55 PM
  • Last Review: 9/19/2018 2:55 PM

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