TALLINN, 9 September 2020 – on 9–11 September, the Auditor General Janar Holm is participating in the IX joint video conference of the Supreme Audit Institutions of Europe and Latin America (EUROSAI-OLACEFS) hosted by the State Audit Office of Hungary.
Topics of discussion of the conference titled “The COVID 19 pandemic: a unique opportunity for Supreme Audit Institutions to highlight the impact of their work” concern increasing the work and impact of state audit offices in the COVID-19 situation. The Auditor General has been invited to speak at a panel discussion on 10 September on the topic “Digital transformation of SAIs”.
Nearly 200 participants from Europe and Latin America are expected to attend the video conference.
From the National Audit Office, Auditor and Project Manager of EUROSAI IT Working Group Alvar Nõuakas, Advisor of Foreign Relations Kaire Kesküla, and Head of International Relations Tuuli Rasso will also participate at the video conference.
OLACEFS is a sub-organisation of INTOSAI uniting the state audit offices of Latin America. EUROSAI-OLACEFS conferences taking place every two years alternatively in Europe and Latin America have been held since 2000, and their aim is to share public sector audit experiences and facilitate cooperation between the supreme audit institutions of Europe and Latin America.
The European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) is one of the seven regional working groups of INTOSAI, which was formed by 30 European supreme audit institutions in Madrid in 1990.
The International Organisation of Supreme Institutions (INTOSAI) is an independent, non-political, and non-governmental organisation which was established as a permanent institution to exchange ideas and experiences in the field of foreign audits between the world’s supreme audit institutions.
9/9/2020 4:47 PM
Last Update:
9/11/2020 9:49 AM
Last Review:
9/11/2020 9:49 AM