National Audit Office to work with Tallinn Technical University to develop field of auditing

Toomas Mattson | 3/22/2011 | 2:00 PM

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TALLINN, 22 March 2011 - Auditor General Mihkel Oviir and Tallinn Technical University rector Andres Keevallik signed a cooperation agreement today which is designed to ensure the continued development of learning opportunities in the field of auditing at the Master’s level and to offer in-service training options examining both individual subjects and entire modules.

The Auditor General says that signing the agreement represents the first and highly significant step in the fostering of the next generation of auditors to a higher level of quality in both the private and public sectors. “To date, students have had to serve out the equivalent of apprenticeships in auditing companies and in the state sector without first completing the theoretical background they need, and we’re starting to feel the effects of it,” he explained. “Moreover, the new Authorised Public Accountants Act is demanding more and more complex money management schemes of auditors for them to be better prepared for the work they have to carry out.”

The study programme will enable academic competence in the field of auditing to be significantly boosted over the coming decade, and it is hoped that this will extend all the way to Doctoral studies. Further development of the programme will include input from experts from Tallinn Technical University, the University of Tartu and abroad. The Ministry of Finance and the Estonian Board of Auditors will also be invited to contribute to the programme.

The National Audit Office is involved in the drafting of study outcomes and in the development of the programme. It is mediating the contributions of foreign partners to its development and enabling and encouraging its own staff to become involved in the study activities.

The first students looking to enrol in the programme will be able to do so in autumn 2011.

Toomas Mattson
Head of Communication Service
National Audit Office
Telephone: +372 640 0777
Mobile: +372 51 34 900
E-mail: [email protected]

  • Posted: 3/22/2011 2:00 PM
  • Last Update: 11/10/2015 5:50 PM
  • Last Review: 11/10/2015 5:50 PM

Auditor General Mihkel Oviir and Rector of Tallinn Technical University Andres Keevallik signing the co-operation agreement. On the left Professor Ene Kolbre

National Audit Office

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