National Audit Office celebrates 90th anniversary of Estonian republic

Toomas Mattson | 3/3/2008 | 12:00 AM

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TALLINN, 3 March 2008 - As part of the anniversary year of the Republic of Estonia, the month of March is dedicated to the Chancellor of Justice and the National Audit Office. Both will be organising a range of events designed for the general public during the month. You will find an overview of the events that the National Audit Office will be putting on below.

The National Audit Office has planned the following events:

From 1 to 31 March an exhibition titled ‘The National Audit Office through the Ages’ will be open to visitors on the ground floor of the National Audit Office building.
The exhibition features displays of documents and National Audit Office materials from the past up to the present, photographs of Auditors General and the staff of the office in the pre-war years, and samples of auditing materials from the National Audit Offices of other countries.

Open day on 14 March

The general public will have the chance to meet the Auditor General and the office’s Directors of Audit, who will be describing the work of the National Audit Office and answering questions. Those interested will also be able to take an excursion around the National Audit Office building. An exhibition about the National Audit Office today and in the pre-war years will also be open to visitors, and video recordings related to the office will be available to be viewed.

8.30: The National Audit Office opens its doors to the public
8.35: Meeting with the Auditor General and Directors of Audit
10.00: Excursion around the National Audit Office building
10.00-12.00: Exhibition and viewing of videos
12.00: Open day ends

You should register for the Open Day in advance and bring a personal identification document with you on the day.
Please call +372 640 0739 (Katrin Gottlob) or e-mail [email protected] to register.

Further information about these events is available from the Communications Service of the National Audit Office.

Toomas Mattson
Communication Manager of National Audit Office
Telephone: 6400 777
Mob: 51 34900
E-mail: [email protected]

  • Posted: 3/3/2008 12:00 AM
  • Last Update: 9/15/2015 10:13 AM
  • Last Review: 9/15/2015 10:13 AM

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