TALLINN, 2 June 2008 - From 2 to 5 June Auditor General Mihkel Oviir will be attending the VII congress of EUROSAI, the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, in Krakow, Poland. The delegation from the National Audit Office will also include Director of Audit Jüri Kõrge, Audit Director Külli Nõmm, Head of International Relations Service Rein Söörd and Director of the Secretariat of the INTOSAI Working Group of Environmental Audit Olavi Tammemäe.
The two main matters for discussion at the congress will be the creation of a quality management system for auditing in high-level auditing institutions and the auditing of social programmes, as part of which the auditing of the field of education and programmes for integrating the disabled into the labour market will also be examined. The National Audit Office was involved in the preparations of this topic, contributing to the production of surveys and presentations.
The congress will see the delivery of the report of the Secretary General of EUROSAI on the organisation’s activities from 2005 to 2008 and its financial reports with auditors’ opinions; the election of two new members to the management board and new auditors; and the approval of the EUROSAI budget for the period 2009-2011. Also making presentations will be the EUROSAI training committee and a number of working groups, two of which the National Audit Office is a member: those for environmental and IT audits.
The joint report on the parallel audit of the Natura project produced by high-level auditing institutions in eight countries is also planned to be signed during the congress.
Toomas Mattson
Communication Manager of National Audit Office
Telephone: 6400 777
Mob: 51 34900
E-mail: [email protected]
6/2/2008 12:00 AM
Last Update:
9/15/2015 10:05 AM
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9/15/2015 10:05 AM