TALLINN, 8 September 2003 - A routine audit of the accounts of the MVRC conducted by the SAO revealed a problem related to the collection of levies: comparison of traffic register operations performed by the MVRC and the calculated amounts of levies with the amount of levies received by the Tax Board showed that the MVRC has provided services for an amount exceeding the respective amount of levies received by the Tax Board by 7.2 million kroons.
Furthermore, the SAO established that the collectors of levies are companies, which issuing payment receipts on the basis of which the MVRC performs its operations. The collection of levies by companies is based on the entry “the right to accept levies” in “Areas of activity” section of the Part B registry card of the Commercial Register. According to the SAO this right does not stem from any legislative provisions and cannot be an adequate basis for collecting levies. Companies collecting levies charge a service fee for this, which is prohibited under the Levies Act.
The SAO thinks that there may be a number of reasons for the difference of more than 7 million kroons between the databases of the MVRC and the Tax Board: the levies are transferred belated by the collectors, some of the levies might not have been transferred, incorrect payment documents have been furnished to the MVRC, several operations have been performed under a single document or the databases are inaccurate. The SAO has not received a full explanation on the difference of more than 7 million kroons.
The Tax Board and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications have the right and obligation to check the collection of levies and their transfer to the state budget set out in the Levies Act. In his response to the findings of the SAO the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications, Meelis Atonen asserts that the collection of levies by companies is a completely lawful activity. However, the Minister admits that companies are not bodies charging levies in the meaning of the said Act.
It its letter of response the MVRC has taken the obligation to establish the reasons for the difference in the amounts of levies by January 1, 2004.
Sven Soiver
Press Representative of State Audit Office
Telephone: (372) 640 0787
GSM: (372) 53 414464
E-mail: [email protected]
9/8/2003 12:00 AM
Last Update:
10/2/2015 4:38 PM
Last Review:
10/2/2015 4:38 PM