TALLINN, 23 April 2004 - From Monday to Wednesday, April 26 to 28 the Auditor General Mihkel Oviir will visit the State Audit Office of Denmark. The visit takes place at the invitation of the Danish Auditor General Henrik Otbo.
The aim of the visit is to learn about the work of the State Audit Office of Denmark and tighten the ties between the two organisations. The State Audit Office of Denmark will introduce its organisation, its relations with the Parliament, the process of the performance audit and the use of information technology in auditing.
The Chief Auditor of Operational Risk Audit Department Jüri Kõrge, the Information and Communications Services Manager Markko-Raul Esop and the Manager of the External Affairs Services Rein Söörd will accompany the Auditor General.
Sven Soiver
Press Representative of State Audit Office
Telephone: (372) 640 0787
GSM: (372) 53 414464
E-mail: [email protected]
4/23/2004 12:00 AM
Last Update:
10/1/2015 11:45 AM
Last Review:
10/1/2015 11:45 AM