Tallinn, 29 January 2018 – At the invitation of Auditor General of People’s Republic of China Hu Zejun, Chairman of EUROSAI Working Group of Environmental Auditing (WGEA) Alar Karis is attending the meeting of Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) WGEA in Thailand from 28-30 January.
Alongside representatives of the supreme audit institutions of Asian countries, members of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) WGEA and working groups of environmental auditing of INTOSAI regions will be speaking about their activities and experience at the event. Alar Karis will be showcasing the recent activities and plans of the EUROSAI WGEA. The meeting is to be followed by an environmental auditing seminar focusing on use of IT applications in auditing the environment.
The delegation from the National Audit Office of Estonia will also include Head of International Relations Tuuli Rasso and Senior Auditor Matis Mägi.
Helerin Kõrvemaa
Assistant to Communication Manager
[email protected]
[email protected]
1/29/2018 9:39 AM
Last Update:
1/29/2018 9:39 AM
Last Review:
1/29/2018 9:39 AM