TALLINN, 19 April 2014 – From 20 to 24 April, Ingrid Hindrikson, Audit Manager from the Financial Audit Department of the National Audit Office (NAO) will be visiting the Spanish SAI in Madrid, which accommodates the EUROSAI Secretariat, to team up with her Slovak colleague to audit the annual accounts of EUROSAI - the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions.
The audit will result in an audit report which will be submitted to the EUROSAI Governing Board in May.
The NAO was selected to audit EUROSAI at EUROSAI VIII Congress held in Lisbon in 2011.
Toomas Mattson
Head of Communication Service, National Audit Office
+372 640 0777
+372 51 34 900
[email protected]
[email protected]
4/19/2014 12:00 AM
Last Update:
4/14/2016 2:10 PM
Last Review:
4/14/2016 2:10 PM