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Impact of the European Fisheries Fund grants for aquaculture

The objective of the National Audit Office is to assess whether the support granted by the European Fisheries Fund (ca 57 million euros) has helped achieve economically viable and sustainable aquaculture and fish farming, and whether this has had a positive impact on the development of the economic sector as a whole. The support reduces pressure on natural fish resources, as they are partly compensated by fish farming.
The answers to the following questions must be found in order to assess the achievement of aquaculture objectives:
1. Has the state aimed the support primarily at fish farmers who have greater potential for added value and productivity, and who create new jobs?
2. Has the support encouraged entrepreneurs to consider the needs and preferences of consumers regarding fish products, and are products actively offered on the market?
3. Does supervision guarantee the effective use of support on aquaculture sites?

Area of government Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of the Environment
Institution to be audited
Audit Department Performance Audit Department
Director of Audit Tarmo Olgo
Audit Team Maidu Lääne, Matis Mägi, Viire Viss
Audit Number


Planned Start II Quarter 2015 Actual Start II Quarter 2015
Planned End II Quarter 2016 Actual End II Quarter 2016
Status Published
Audit Files
Related Audits
Created on 1/3/2013
Last modified on 5/24/2016
Last reviewed on 5/24/2016